Christian Conversion (Veria Chayadi)
I used to be a free thinker who was under the
influence of my parent’s Taoist belief. I went to
Singapore at the age of 7 and grew up there till’ I
was 15. I then left for Melbourne at the age of 16.
During my stay in Singapore, I was exposed to Christ,
my teacher brought me to church and also introduce to
me the gospel. At that stage I was not ready to
receive Christ yet, however I believed that was the
turning point in my life whereby I started to question
more on life and God has graciously provided His
people to plant the seed on my heart.
Having come to Melbourne, it’s been another totally
amazing journey and adventures part of my life. Back
in Melbourne, I met a few friends who were believers;
they brought me to church and to their bible study
group. I started to seriously learn more on God and
who He really is. I used to be able not to sleep, as I
was a very fearful and timid girl, as when I was
younger, I use to encounter the spiritual beings. It
kept on harassing me and it really brought me much
trouble in terms of sleeping, I would force myself to
be awake all night so that it will not disturb me. I
was clueless as to how I was to get rid of ‘it’, I
tried many ways, even my parents went to get talisman
from the temple but to no avail. I was suffering from
insomnia. My health starts to deteriorate. I shared
this with my friends and bible study leader and they
advised me to read the bible and also believe and be
convinced of what the bible has got to say. They gave
me some verses that I found it to be very useful
whenever I felt afraid I would tend to just hang on to
those few verses and I managed to find consolation and
peace upon relying on it. Verses such as 1 John 4:4, 1
John 4:18 and John 14:27. Whenever I claimed on those
promises, I was greatly comforted and my fear would
confidently disappear.
I myself could not explain how and why it has
disappeared and I no longer fear of ‘it’. I was just
drawn to this Creator, this Lord, Jesus Christ I was
so amazed and impressed at His works that I decided to
accept Him as my Lord and my Savior. Of course over
the years, I have grown more and more in terms of my
spiritual journey. So far this has been the best thing
that has happened to my life, knowing Him and walking
in Him. I shared the gospel with my family members (my
parents and brother) and Praise God-eventually all of
them accepted Him and got baptized together too.
I believed God has broken the bondage in me and I was
set free by His grace. For that am truly grateful, and
how true the verse that says: I am the way and the
truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through me (John14: 6). One of the things that I’ve
learnt and would like to share is that-never put your
hope in man for they will definitely 100% bring you
disappointment but if you put your hope in God, he
will definitely 100% bring you triumphant.
I would like to end with this favorite quote of mine
from Jim Elliot, a missionary who was killed in
Ecuador. ‘He is no fool who gives he cannot keep, to
gain that which he cannot lose.’
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